Thursday, May 31, 2012

Countdown to ApolloCon 2012

The show that spawned a million conventions.
I have my reading list for the last of May, and I'll post it eventually, but today I'm on deadline to finish (a revision of) a story for the ApolloCon 2012 Writers Workshop. I am excited to be able to attend not one but two con workshops this year. I'll be going to both ApolloCon in Huston in June and, attending my home con ArmadilloCon here in Austin in July. I'm looking forward to comparing these workshop experiences. After going to the ArmadilloCon Writer's Workshop last year, I'm hooked! I'll be doing these workshops and going to as many conventions as I can get my hands on for the foreseeable future. Why do I love them so you might ask, here are just a couple reasons:
  • You can't beat the price, compared to most writer's workshops, these workshops are generally well under $100, and that's with 3-day convention badge included.
  • Getting feedback from pros and other writers who are unfamiliar with my themes and quirks (as opposed to feedback from my regular critique group, which is also good but in different ways).
  • Geeking out at the hotel bar with other writers and scifi/fantasy genre types.

Han Solo says, "Enough talk, get back to writing."

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